Elevate Your Venue with
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Restaurant and Bar Solutions
Unlocking Financial Freedom: Union's Revolutionary Approach to Payment Processing
While Union isn't your payment processing company, they've masterminded a game-changing strategy that's sending shockwaves through the industry. By forging alliances with elite Independent Sales Offices (ISOs), Union has tapped into a network of cutting-edge U.S. processors, delivering unparalleled payment solutions to their clients.
At the heart of this financial revolution is Union's partnership with Restaurant and Bar Solutions, a powerhouse ISO of Electronic Payments nestled in the sun-soaked landscape of Central Florida. This collaboration isn't just another business deal – it's a meeting of minds between innovators and industry veterans.
Unlock the Future with Union!
Eliminate bank card processing fees and delight your cash-paying customers with rewards. Benefit from 27 years of unparalleled expertise and a decade of excellence with Electronic Payments Inc, through our premier partnership with their Central Florida Independent Sales Office, Restaurant and Bar Solutions.
Union’s efficiency and speed not only means more drinks, ordered faster, it means happier customers and bigger tips.
Bars that see the biggest increase in revenue adopt our Guest-led ordering (28% increase) and Union Recommendations, Offers and Rewards (73% increase). Together this suite creates the best guest experience for your customers.
Stop Paying and Start Making
Per Ticket Increase when
drink is Guest led Order (GLO)
Bars and restaurants
already using Union
Per Ticket Increase when ordering
a Union fully funded Brand deal
What we Deliver
Our purpose built modern tools and dedicated partnership drive the busiest bars & restaurants to bigger profits, deeper loyalty and greater operational excellence.
High Speed - High Volume - High Reliability
Handles thousands of tabs at once. Extremely easy to learn and efficient. Most effective decline recovery protocol. Offline Mode & Cellular roll-over
White-Glove 24/7 Support - Live human support, on call for you always. Staffed up during your busiest hours.
More Money - Intuitive, personalized & rewarding guest-led experiences with universal tab management improves operational efficiencies, increases guest spending by 28% and generates greater profits